Starting solids

My LO is 8 months and has refused both formula(anything in a bottle) and solid foods. Does anyone have tips on how to get her to start eating purées or even formula?
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She may be ready for finger food. Skip the purées and maybe let her explore some different textures. Solid starts has a great app to help u show based on age how the food should be cut up and introduced. I would check it out. My son likes drinking from a straw and a cup. Maybe try a cup to see if she’s interested

My LO will be 7 months in a couple of days and I started her on foods recently. She’s breastfed so she only ever had formula once but she seems to like the purées I make her BUT she’s fussier if I don’t let her hold the spoon and feed herself. Maybe try letting your LO explore a bit themselves, it’s messy but she’s happy and fed so it’s worth it IMO lol Also, don’t be shocked if they refuse a new food the first time they try it. That’s pretty typical. Try it again the next day and see how it goes. If not give it some space to check for reactions, try a different food, give it some space and try the first food they refused again. Idk if you’re a wine drinker but I remember my first time trying red and omg lol. It definitely took me a while to get accustomed to the taste

Thank you @Brittany will definitely try this

Thank you @Keara will try this

Feed her from your plate when you eat.

It's totally normal, my little guy didn't start eating for a couple months. He very obviously did not want food and would get upset when I tried to feed him, so we just gave it time. Whenever he would be interested in something on my platei would share with him and eased him into it. For bottles and formula maybe try a different brand of bottle? If you're breastfeeding will she take a bottle of breast milk?

No she doesn't just agree to take anything in a bottle@Taylor it's tough cause I need to go bck to work

It took quite a while for my little one to show any interest in foods. I just kept at it, put her in her high chair every meal time and always put food in from of her and one day she just boom, picked it up and started eating! It was discouraging for a few months but she got there in her own time

Thank you

At 6 months my baby did this refused purées. So I did BLW. She now loves food.

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