
When will my 12 weeks old sleep. He is waking every 30 minuets to an hour all through the night and then taking half hour or so to get back to sleep. I am exhausted. He used to sleep for 2/3hours and wake for feeds but over the few weeks he has developed waking frequently and needing to be nursed or rocked back to sleep. The nights are feeling like hell and I would love the 2/3 hour sleep cycles again 😩
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Have you tried introducing a formula feed just at nighttime? It may help a little and do you put him down awake or wait till he's asleep with you then move him? Also white noise and maybe a light projector? X

I’d prefer not to use formula and I don’t think it’s ginger because I have a good supply and he is a little fat one. I don’t remember my daughter being this way and she was exclusively breastfed also. I’ve tried putting him down while drowsy and as soon as I do his beady eye ping open and I have to start all over again. He is slightly better when I nurse him while laying down and ninja roll away. I’ve been using the white noise and he does like it but it does keep him asleep. I haven’t thought of a light projector so thank you and I’ll get one. I have the baby Einstein sea of dreams and he likes that but he does fall to sleep with it. I don’t know if he just needs more comfort but when i’m tired I start to blame myself that I’d doing everything wrong.

This is how my daughter was/ still ism.she will go for about 2 hours maximum 3 hours and we are 8 month in. I think it's a comfort thing as well as she's breastfed. As as I put her which is like big next to me attached to my bed she'll wake so ended up co sleeping just to get some sleep as she sleeps better. I wish I had advice. But I think so babies just take longer to adjust. She's the same will cry and as soon as I give her the boob she's fine even if it's just for comfort lol. Won't have dummy either. I'm just hoping for improvement at some point but my husband was terrible sleeper as a lil one so we will see when it improves x

No advice but you are not alone. I could have written this post. Last night she just screamed for 5 hours straight unless she was on the boob. A week ago, she was sleeping through the night 🥲

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