
Does anyone’s toddler have the appetite of a teenager?? My 3 year old is constantly wanting to eat throughout the day and she can eat an adult plate.
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I wish she would eat. My daughter and barley eat or gets picky at home. Daycare different.

Mines the opposite, if it’s not fruit, boil eggs and a few other things she won’t eat it.

@Tasha Oh wow, hopefully the older she gets her appetite would get better.

@Ally I think it’s different when they are in daycare because they follow what the other kids do. So if they are eating, she is going to do the same. My daughter is the same way but I never seen a toddler with her appetite. She is 50 pounds right now. And I hate telling her no, if she is saying that she is hungry 😭.

Just wait until she's an actual teenager... 😬 Where does the food go!?

My three year old eats a lot most days even compared to adults. My food budget is going to have to triple by the time my kids are teenagers. He isn't in daycare, but we do usually have good homemade food around. He has actually been calling himself 'little chef' and his dad 'big chef' the past few days which is adorable.

@Sarah but the foods you lo is eating are they addictive comfort foods because it may just be that your baby loves comfort foods like we all do and you can try to balance them them out

@Bonny I can’t imagine how she will be as a teenager 😂

@Yasmina Yeah it is, for example she loves cornbread and could eat a whole pan if I let her. Sometimes I have to eat when she goes to sleep to avoid her wanting to eat my food. I can’t eat in peace 😂.

I was literally JUST complaining about this to my mom today. Both of my 4 year old boys eat as much as we do and then ask for snacks 10 minutes after every meal. Then for more snacks. They are *constantly* eating and I feed them whole, well-rounded meals because they will eat anything I give them. I feel like I LIVE in my kitchen. Sometimes when they ask me for more food I just want to scream b/c it’s so constant.

@Sarah awww lol I grew up loving to eat food too…my 4 yr old used to be really picky eater but I transitioned her to meals at home because she was refusing food at school and at home and not to brag but I’m a good cook, for example instead of chicken nuggets I would make sauces up wings at home, or instead of fish nuggets I would fry fish in healthy oil with grits…I limited and cut out the foods my daughter was addicted to for a while and she would snub her nose at real chicken wings but she was hungry…so you can limit the cornbread and put other foods on her plate that you feel is healthy that she would like and eventually your lo will eat them…or try making healthier versions of what she likes…and if you think is appropriate set boundaries to eat and stop when full…maybe try to find other things that your daughter likes to distract her from wanting to eat

@Katelynn Awww that’s so cute.

@Stacey 🇵🇸 Yeah I have been stuck inside today due to a winter storm and she has been wanting to eat so much. I would feed her and she would want a snack. I don’t recall any other kids in my family eating like this at this age.

@Yasmina You’re absolutely right, thanks for the advice.

I’m a nutritionist and have a 3 yr old and a one ur old. They and humans in general can only over eat nutritionally empty or negative foods like junk/ processed foods which is most of the “standard American diet” . Things like breads, cakes , cookies 🍪, chips, candy , chocolate 🍫, ice cream , yogurts, bars , cereal , pastas , rice 🍚, cheese 🧀, etc. I can bet she’s not asking to eat broccoli 🥦 or salads 🥗 all day ? Our bodies don’t let us over eat whole natural foods like fruits veggies seeds or nuts 🌰. Mine’s in her “ no” stage right now so she is eating and drinking a little but if I offer her junk food she’ll always take it and easily overeats it 🥹

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@Sarah no problem…you can start eliminating the foods with artificial ingredients in it and preservatives like potassium sorbate and cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup…instead of pancake syrup you can get raw honey or agave…there are brands for kids that you can swap out with clean ingredients and I say clean because there are no artificial ingredients, dyes and sweeteners as well as no preservatives…and this is crucial because these ingredients are the most addictive and the top being the sugar…medjool dates are a great substitute for sweets that me and my daughter loves…you just take out the seed and can put peanut inside of it also…I can send you some brands and ideas if you like

@Ana That would make sense. She loves bread and pasta. No she definitely doesn’t ask for broccoli but seems to love greens (collard greens) but for the most part I just need to cut all of that out. Thanks for the input.

@Yasmina I never give her sweets because she is already hyper but thankfully she drinks alot of water. You can send brands and ideas if you don’t mind.

My 5 year old is same way @Sarah

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