35 Weeks and in Early Labor for 4 days

So I'm 35 weeks with my first. I've been in the hospital for almost 4 days now in early labor. I decided to come in because I was cramping really bad and they found out I was already 3cm dilated. They are giving me medication to slow down contractions. Last night I was dilated to a 4 with my water bulging and the nurse could feel his head. I was having consistent contractions 2-4 minutes apart and they assumed I was going into active labor when it suddenly stopped. It's been days of pain, stress, and the unknown of when baby will come and if he will need a nicu stay. I've been really positive through all of it but starting to get emotionally drained with the stress and pain. They are keeping me until he makes an arrival so we are just having to be patient and see what happens.
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I’m sorry love I don’t understand how stressful this must be. I hope he stays as long as possible with little to no nicu stay. I will keep y’all in my prayers and keep the positivity up and just take one day at a time. 💗💗 if you need anyone to talk to please message me. ❤️

I went through the same thing at 31 weeks and 3 days. Spent 26 days in the hospital and was sent home at 35 weeks and 6 days. Had my girl at 37 weeks and 2 days

4 days of labor?! I can't imagine going through that for 4 days. 22 hours was stressful enough. Hopefully you won't have a nicu stay if you deliver early. My 2 boys have been in the nicu since 30 weeks 5 days which is 5 weeks as of tomorrow.

This sounds alot like my 2nd pregnancy but started at 28w, I ended up on NIFEdipine 4 times a day and had to go back into the hospital a handful of times to get the shots to stop the contractions. I was able to make it to 39+4 weeks though

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