I went through the same thing at 31 weeks and 3 days. Spent 26 days in the hospital and was sent home at 35 weeks and 6 days. Had my girl at 37 weeks and 2 days
4 days of labor?! I can't imagine going through that for 4 days. 22 hours was stressful enough. Hopefully you won't have a nicu stay if you deliver early. My 2 boys have been in the nicu since 30 weeks 5 days which is 5 weeks as of tomorrow.
This sounds alot like my 2nd pregnancy but started at 28w, I ended up on NIFEdipine 4 times a day and had to go back into the hospital a handful of times to get the shots to stop the contractions. I was able to make it to 39+4 weeks though
I’m sorry love I don’t understand how stressful this must be. I hope he stays as long as possible with little to no nicu stay. I will keep y’all in my prayers and keep the positivity up and just take one day at a time. 💗💗 if you need anyone to talk to please message me. ❤️