My little one is 15 months in a few days and taken no independent steps - Confident with cruising and the walker but no signs of walking independently yet! So please don’t worry, all babies are so different!
Try not to worry too much, babies develop at different stages. My baby is 13 months and not saying words either xx
No independent steps here or talking and my LO is 15 months on the 6th I’m just trying not to worry and think she’ll do it on her own time x
No independent steps but standing without holding and no words , I had speech and language here last week to watch his swallow as he’s had so many chest infections and I asked about his lack of speech she said if he’s responding to his name , gesturing, following my point/gaze babbling he is fine And it will come , I can’t help but still worry though , xx
This is all normal. Lots of posts on here confirming that by 18 months is a reasonable time to be think about being concerned ♥️
I was a 14 month old who walks but will gibber jabber all day no idea what he's saying. Keep going with his walking he will just go when he's ready, it took me 3 weeks over Christmas period of practising and sitting on the floor getting him to walk to me from a distance like the couch or a wall and eventually he got it and is walking everywhere now. If you can understand what he wants by babbles then that's ok! It's usually the case 🤣 Persevere with it all, keep going Moma.
This my son except he hasn't taken any independent steps. He used to say mama but now he doesn't. He just babbles. I'm trying not to worry about it right now and just keep helping him try