He wakes up at 1 am scream crying and has trouble going back to sleep, I have to hold him and lay him down in our bed for him to stay asleep, he struggles taking naps and it takes forever getting hum to bed at night I don't know I'd it's a regression, teething (he already has 2 teeth), or if it's growing pains, any body else relate to this??
Hey momma! We're in the same boat. For us teething definitely is a part of it, but I think we're also going through a regression.
We’re going through this as well but my girl is also getting over a cold. It’s been a literal nightmare over here for 2 weeks. I think it’s teething and a regression.
Hey momma! We're in the same boat. For us teething definitely is a part of it, but I think we're also going through a regression.