I went looking and didn’t like it

So. I went thru my mans phone. Yes I know. I know. Only went into his Snapchat. I found he has his ex girlfriend added on there. I went into their messages and he sent her our baby’s registry and it’s saved by her. He has his address sent and saved by him in the conversation from like 3 years ago when they dated for 1.5-2 years. Did I mention that she was the woman he cheated on his other ex girlfriend of 7 years with? That this girl he had added he has known since they were like 15/16 years old I guess. He says she helped him through his mom’s death. They have always stayed connected periodically I guess. He and I have been together for a little over a year. He is 30 and I am 25. We got together a year after she broke up with him. I am due with our baby girl in March. I have 2 kids from a previous relationship and we all live together at his house. Is it wrong of me to feel very insecure and nervous about this connection??? I want him to delete her but he said no.
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I might be naive but I accidentally save things onto my Snapchat all the time , do you think she saved the registry by mistake 🤷🏼‍♀️don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with their actions 😊❤️

If a guy doesn’t drop a girl for you, then that means he’s just not serious… at least that’s from my experience, but you never know🥺 I really wish for the best for you and your little ones 💙

Personally I think maintaining a connection with exes is healthy so long as it doesn't cross boundaries. Simply being connected on social media doesn't cross a boundary for me

Why won’t he delete her? Surely you are more important than someone from his past he has nothing with

@Zoe he told me they get along well and that’s it,

Still no need for communication

I wouldn’t be okay with having exes added..why wouldn’t he delete her?? Would make me more insecure..

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