I used to take my son with me in the middle of the night. Now he lays in bed and waits for me to come back. I think they can sense us getting up because no matter how quiet and careful I am, my son wakes up every time.
This is the worst part of cosleeping for me. I had to bring mine to the bathroom with me to not wake him the other night and he weighs like a 3 year old. Still worth it over not going as it was literally hurting me. I usually sneak out and half the time he wakes up before I'm back like 60 seconds later
🤣that did make me laugh, the fear we have in doing such simple tasks for fear of waking them small humans up. Love motherhood!! Lol
It's really bad for your bladder to not be empties when you need to go. Make sure they're safe and go to the toilet. Crying for a few minutes will not harm them :)
Usually dads here but he’s away from work and I don’t know how on earth this baby sense me wake up every time 🤣