My son is 2 months old and we have implemented a routine from day 1. We did the same with my now 2 year old. Following wake windows is a must for this to work. It’s a hit and miss initially but babies are so smart and adaptable based on what they are exposed to. I started off by making sure my son goes to sleep for bed time at the same time and night and I wake him at the exact time every morning. Ie, I put him down at 8pm and I wake him up at 8am every morning. I make sure that the first thing we do during his wake windows is feeding so that he doesn’t associate being fed to sleep (this was the case with my first and it was hard to get him down without a bottle in his mouth). Then before the wake windows is up, about 5-10 minutes beforehand I do a nappy change, give him some cuddles and put him in his cot. I’m strict on wake windows as babies this age can get over tired quite quickly and that makes it harder for them to fall asleep.
I also make sure to do all those things in the exact same order every time (bedtime routine is slightly longer) so that he was able to recognise and associate that it was time for nap/bed. I also dream feed my son at night time so I can get a longer stretch sleep from him. He is currently sleeping from 8pm-5am with a dream feed at 11pm.
We have also had a routine since day 1, at first we used to start winding down and do bath time at 8pm, massage after with nighttime oil, bedtime story and cuddles… asleep for 9pm. Now he’s 6 months old, we bathe him at 6pm, massage with nighttime oil, toniebox on and he’s asleep for 6:30pm and wakes up when we do at 6/7am. We are very strict with our routine and he’s always just adjusted to it really well. Also just to add, we changed his bedtime as he started showing signs of tiredness at 6pm, then he’d fall asleep and wouldn’t go to bed at 8pm, so we made it earlier🙂
My little one has been napping independently I’d say since 3 months old!! I just started putting him in his crib, in his own room and he loved it 🫶🏽
My boy is 10 weeks we’ve had a set bedtime and bedtime routine since probably day 3/4. But we still do naps kinda loosely based on when he’s tired but try to use wake windows. We do the same activities around the same time during the day. We set him down if he falls asleep on us and try to set him down for his naps throughout the day. (We do give him one contact nap a day)
Following.... my little man will be two months soon, and time is going by fast 🙃