I saw something saying that most women in america are liberals and lean very far left. I'm curious to see if it's true. Please take my poll and tell me why and what political party you align with. ALSO BE NICE IN HERE.
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I am a socialist 😆

I lean towards Anarchism, if I’m being so honest.

Further left every single day 😅

I believe that healthcare, housing, potable water and clean air should be considered human rights and that workers should own the means of their production so if you’re judging based off of our current oligarch situation here in the US, that would make me far left radical lunatic commie scum lmao

@Autumn my favorite kinda scum

Our country’s political division has to access to education / location. Big cities that are diverse are more liberal. Rural towns that are all white ppl are conservative. That’s an over simplification. I think in general, women overall tend to be slightly more liberal. But there are millions of women who vote conservative even if it’s not in their best interest simply bc they haven’t been exposed to different ideas or are fearful of “others” aka white supremacist.

I don’t lean. I don’t follow politics. Never have and never will. I love my life. Plain and simple

I’m like two inches from being a communist.

i’m a worm.

I'm more of the kind who reads every single available line of every bill and tracks the voting records of politicians because they can say one thing and do another I try to vote for what's actually going on because often that's very different than they slogans half the country is offended by at any given moment

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