Sorry I don’t have much advice in upping your milk but I breastfed until 8 months with my first and the first 3 months where the hardest I even ended going down to just one boob (I think I had damaged milk ducts on one side) it’s definitely hard to know if they are getting enough as you are just feeding on demand and sometimes they may just want it for comfort also and not for food so it could seem like they’re always hungry when they’re not but like Khadra said as long as they are weeing, pooing and gaining weight all is good! But I use to worry so much! In the beginning and use to try and pump and feed but in the end I found it easiest to soley breastfeed and after a few months it gets a lot easier and you get into rhythm with it and it does eventually stop hurting also 😅!
Thankyou for the advice, I’d like to feed as long as possible really, when I switched to bottle he seemed to be so much more content so that’s why I never felt I was giving him enough but as you say perseverance is key x
If you are concerned pumping and bottle feeding is also an option or even a combination of breastfeeding and formula but even if it doesn’t work out! Don’t feel bad! There is nothing wrong with formula feeding, you have to do whatever you think is best for and baby! Breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life!! I nearly broke so many times, so don’t feel guilty if it isn’t the best option for you and baby!! Xx
I’d recommend looking now at feeding groups or even a private feeding consultant near you so when the time comes and you need help you have all the contacts ready!
I fed both of mine into toddler hood and id say learn about what normal infant feeding is. A lot of people assume they don't have enough milk when really their baby is feeding exactly how they should be (frequently and often fussing to up supply). The only way to increase supply is to remove milk and whilst pumps are handy nothing is as effective as your baby. Output and weight gains are what you look for. If they're weeing and pooing and gaining weight then they're getting enough. Know where the help is before hand if you need it. It can take time to establish in the beginning but it's honestly soooo much easier as time goes on x