Rant Time - Partner Edition

My boyfriend has always played on the playstation ever since I met him. He established a routine where 3/4 times out of the week he plays on his playstation from around teatime until early morning and the rest of the week we’ll spend doing something together. He is quite vocal on the game and can be quite loud at times, which really annoys me and even more so now we have a LO. Since having our LO he has still continued this routine, which is fine, I wont get in the way of his hobby but i’m so annoyed, he will literally go on the game leave me with the LO to bath, change and feed from teatime onwards, he then comes up to bed really late and then we will do one last feed. Last night he did this and I felt like he really rushed the feed to which our LO vomited the majority of it up. So then after me cleaning it up, stripping the bed and fixing our LO a new set of clothes, we managed to get her settled in bed. My boyfriend then proceeded to watch youtube on his phone from 2am onwards and was still awake come 5am this morning. I have barely slept and its not even because of our LO. He then went into the spare bedroom around 5am, which is then typical because her next feed then was due at 6am. Annoying because he wont wake up now until at least dinner time today. I’ll now have to feed her again at 9am and walk the dog and get everything prepped for the day. Just for reference my partner has time off work and has done since our LO arrived so its not like he has a job to wake up for right now. I just feel so annoyed and i’m absolutely shattered 😩 I just think he can be so selfish at times and he has a hobby playing on his game and he claims my hobby is looking after our baby, cooking, cleaning, maintaining the house etc 🫠 I love her to bits but surely it should be equal right? I’m not blowing all of this out of proportion am I?
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No that would drive me insane! You’re a family now and he has responsibility. My partner likes to play Xbox but he will only go on it once our eldest son in is bed and if I need anything at all for baby he will help. He has work so he comes off it around midnight and sleeps. When he’s not working he’ll do the same cause during the day we share the load or go out as a family this was the same when he had our first born too.

He's being very selfish. My husband still plays the playstation most nights, but he'll keep baby in the living room with him, do feeds etc. until he comes to bed. (Usually between 11pm-2am) So I can get uninterrupted sleep, and then I'll take over from whenever the next feed is, which is about 6am. You need to talk to your partner. Tell him how it's affecting you physically and mentally. You created this baby together, he has time off now the baby is here, he needs to help. Try not to come at home with anger and accusation (I know it's hard) but calmly express your frustration. I don't know what kind of person he is, but if he loves you then he will listen. I hope it works out for you. Just remember, the newborn stage is temporary and it goes by quick.

Your “hobby” is looking after your baby???? 😱 I would talk to him immediately about this as that is a totally unfair thing to say, and he needs to help more. It’s lovely that you support his interests but you need some time to rest too, and that does not involve you doing everything! X

I read this and think how far you can go? Or how far you can accept his behaviour? You have an adult child of your mother in law at your house.. can you live alone better? yes , can you buy a dick in a shop? Yes Can you sleep better without him? Yes. So why do you need one more child in your house to be looked after?🤯 Looks like he don’t have job too either ,because man who goes to work can not stay without sleep till 5 am.😅😅😅😶‍🌫️🤯 I would be 😡 🫣🤯 Ask for help or ask to choose 😶‍🌫️

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