Do I need to be able to hear my son at night?

We recently moved to a home that’s very well insulated… we previously didn’t use sound on the monitor bc if he cried in the night we could hear him through the floor (he RARELY cried, and it he did it was in his sleep and so brief and he’d get back to peaceful sleep). He currently sleeps upstairs and we sleep downstairs. And he reliably sleeps through the night until 9a daily. I’m SUCH a light sleeper, I’m afraid of using the sound now, bc if he makes any noises in his sleep it’ll wake me and I suck at getting back to sleep. That said, I’m also stressed thinking “what if he needs me during the night?” And “am I a terrible mother for not being able to hear him?”. Although idk what he’d need me for? If he were sick I’d approach it differently. But for normal nights, is it ok to not be able to hear him/have the sound on monitor off? What are your thoughts?
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You never know what may happen in the middle of the night. Poop, throw up, fever, etc. My daughter always sleeps through the night until a few months ago she got sick and the first indication was night waking crying with a fever. She had never done that before. Can you use a sound monitor on the lowest setting? That's what I have it on you don't really hear movement or light sound only crying.... or maybe leave his door open?

I would say until he knows how to find you. Like, is comfortable getting to your room then you need to be able to hear him. If he’s still in a crib and unable to come on his own, I think you definitely need sound. Bc exactly what the other mama said, you never know.

I would definitely get something because for those few time he might get up you’ll need it. There are sound only monitors that have sensitivity hearing so it would only turn on when baby is actually crying not all the random noise. But I totally get you I wake at every movement and it’s super annoying.

We sleep on separate levels and I used a monitor. It’s set to go off if he is crying. It eases my mind to know if he needs me I can hear him.

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