Biting other children

Sorry for the rant, I feel I need help here. Apologies for length. We go too a toddler class at a soft play centre, after the class children have access to play at the center which we normally do. This week we were playing as normal. There was an incident they my child was playing with the same toys as another child and there was a bit of conflict which lead to my child biting the other. I believe the bite caused them both to fall over where my child was on top and I think the gravity made the bite worse. Both myself and other mum rushed over to take our children. We were talking at the and I don't think either of us saw the exact step by step of what happened but it was very quick. I took my child aside to tell him it's not right to bite and we went over to apologize. The other mum was cuddling her son and I don't really think was paying much attention to our apology. I offered to get ice but she said no. I was mortified but also just put it down to 2 year olds really. Later on when things claimed down we went over to apologize again. Which she accepted but said I should of gone home after the bite to discipline my Child. Potentially yes I should of done this, just didn't think. I also text her that day to apologise again. I have had some pleasant replies from her but also lots of photos and and saying it wasn't a bite but a full on attack. Personally I think this is a little extreme for the age of the children. I completely agree biting isn't acceptable and my son is in the wrong but have I handled this incorrectly? Is the behaviour not normal for development at this age? Any help / advice please. My child has never bitten so hard before, but I do think the fall made it worse. He has bit/ hit children before over toys. As he has also been hit etc by other children. Thank you x
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Hi there, no specific advice, but just wanted to say that mum was really out of order… my child has both bitten and been bit a few times at nursery, and we know it’s just part and parcel of being 2 exploring emotions and boundaries. You did all the right things by taking him aside and I don’t see what removing him from the soft play would have achieved, I doubt he would have really understood the association between the two… I think the other mums language “full on attack” is just highly emotive and reflective of her feeling protective (which is understandable) but in reality completely disproportionate to a 2 year old biting another because they both want the same toy…. We previously got a book on Amazon called “teeth are not for biting” which we read to my little one, for him it was a phase coinciding with teething..

@Maddie thank you very much for this. I will get that book good idea. I do feel terrible. I think it's just today waking up to more photos of the bite just makes it hard to swallow for me. Im glad you also believe at this age the removal won't be understood.

Mine hasn’t tried biting anyone but he will occasionally try to hit other kids if they jump in front of him at the slide or try take things from him and as a parent it makes you feel awful. I think this mum is obviously being protective but saying things like attack or keep sending you pictures is really unnecessary. Like what else does she want? You’ve apologised over and over so there’s no need to carry it on. I also don’t think removing them at this age wouldn’t have done anything. It’s obviously not ideal to bite but they’re toddlers, it’s the mum making it worse in my opinion, I doubt her child is affected by it in any way

My little boy was a biter at nursery & I was mortified ! Every time I had a notification from nursery I would think the worst it was horrid! I was talking to another mum who I found out was the child that my little boy was biting & she was saying how the child should be expelled from nursery and how horrid they were etc not knowing it was my little boy as they aren’t allowed to say who it is, I just worked it out from what she said happened! We tried soo hard to explain teeth are for biting apples and not friends but we found that it was usually happening when they were fighting over a toy etc and it was the way in which he knew they would let go quickly! It was a phase that luckily he has got out of but occasionally has bitten again maybe once or twice in the last 6 months compared to the daily! So I completely understand how you feel but you did everything you could apologised & like others said taking him home would have done nothing. X

Hey guys if anyone is interested I have an update. Went to the class again this morning and the other mum was pretty horrible. She was making a massive point to avoid us and tell everyone else in the group of the insistent last week showing photos. Wow I genuinely can't believe this. Any advice how to handle lady. Or just not go to classes again. I feel like I'm getting bullied and rather surprised.

I’m so so sorry this has happened to you, agreed this sounds like bullying behaviour and not appropriate at all. Is there a class facilitator or someone you could raise it with? Maybe to explain how upsetting and uncomfortable it’s making you despite you having apologised etc. it feels like this other mother is now making this into a bit of a power/sympathy play without any real empathy or reflection on how this would likely make you feel. You’ve done nothing wrong, do not let her actions stop you or your little one enjoying the class, you are fully entitled to go!

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