Still not walking

Honestly if one more person says to me: "oh you wait it gets harder when they walk", I'll go mad! 😅 Because no, what's hard is my 16 month old who has been cruising & diving for 4 months, I'm constantly behind him wherever he is, on my knees or bent over otherwise he would hit his head 50 times a day He can't stand for more than a few seconds before tipping over & when we go on play dates, my friends drink their coffee while their baby toddles around while I follow my son. When oh when will he walk?! It's frustrating me now 🙃
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Hi, don't be so hard on yourself. My 16 month old is also not walking, but he will walk around with his walker. Has your little one got a walker to cruise about with this might help xx

@Celine-marie Hogben He has one but runs with it then tips over lol, he just wants to do everything at speed xx

It sounds he may need support. Have you seen a physiotherapist yet? My son is the same and has just been provided a belt this morning from physio to help support his tummy area to help aid him to learn to walk and needs to use his special boots still x

@Nicole I hadnt looked into it yet tbh because I thought up until 18 months it was normal, late but normal but then again the not standing isn't good x

Walking is 1000% easier! My September baby isn't walking yet either but everyone told me the same before my first learnt to walk and honestly it's easier when they can walk 😂 my older child didn't walk until 18m :)

Worth speaking to your gp if they think physio would be needed. My son was referred for physio the day he turned 9 months old. May be worth checking if he is hitting his head that amount of times a day (he may well need a helmet to prevent this - my son is the same with head banging but not as much as your little one and is getting measured for one possibly next week) or able to stand for longer than a few seconds. Ideally no harm reaching out for things that may be needed to be put in place to help x

Your friends have very chill walkers. No way could I drink coffee if mine is walking around he would be pushing over tables, climbing chairs and onto tables. Trying to break random strangers laptop. If he's on my lap he's trying to climb on the table and spill hot drinks. You name it 😅 he was also stressful at crawling stage. Maybe they should separate between chill and hyper kids not walking vs non walking! BTW I don't let him do these things that's why I'm always behind him and don't get to talk to anyone when we meet up. Or he's stuck in the pram lol When mine was first standing he also hit head a lot but he was just crawling at super speed with no spacial awareness. Spacial awareness got better especially after walking and climbing. I would take him lots of different environments I think that helps the spacial awareness. Different playgroups or softplay to cruise on things at different heights and textures.

My boy isn't walking either. I don't want to rush him, but I do feel he's missing out on a lot because he can't walk yet. Trips to the park are very limited, same with things like the beach or even certain toddler groups. He's too big for the baby group but gets trampled on at the toddler sessions. 🙈 I actually came on to this group for reassurance, so thank you for talking about it 🥰

Same, same. No concerns here though. Mine is a bum shuffler and they naturally walk much later.

Life does get easy after they start walking, I can confirm that because I have an older daughter.It sounds like he may need some help from a physiotherapist, so did my son. It's probably just a minor hypotonia or tension on one of his sides. Do let me know if you need a good pediatric physiotherapist.

Our 16 month old son took his first steps before Christmas but is still choosing not to walk unaided and insists on holding on. He can stand up in the middle of the floor ie without pulling up on something. He can stand unaided for at least a few seconds. But as soon as we encourage him to take steps he is so wobbly and just gives up as soon as he loses a bit of balance. Then crawls instead. Very frustrating!

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