Baby measurements

Baby measuring on 97th percentile from tape measurement but private scan is showing normal weight / size. Anyone else had this?
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When they measure using the tape measure it is well known to be inaccurate it can change just from baby’s positioning so I wouldn’t worry if they are concerned they will send you for a growth scan I have one on Thursday as my measurements are a bit off but I know it will be fine xx

I wish they would scrap the tape measurements and send us for scans instead 🙄

My bump went from 37 to 34 in literally seconds at my midwife apt yesterday cos of how baby was lying so I would def take the tape measurements with a pinch of salt! X

I've had measuring small from the tape and fine on the scan in my previous pregnancy. Depends on babies position etc as to how big your bump is day to day x

@Kirsty this!

How reliable do you think growth scans are? My baby is measuring big 5lb at 32weeks x

Ahh thanks girls. So annoying how inaccurate they can be. Also doesn’t help when people say ‘your huge he’s going to be massive ‘ x

@Samantha not very, they said our first would be 10lb from growth scans and he was 7lb 14oz. This baby was 4lb 11oz at 32 weeks x

@Kirsty ahh that’s interesting! My first was 9lb 4oz so I guess I just expected him to be big too, but now I’m questioning it 🤔 x

I was told to expect a 9lb+ baby with my first as my bump was measuring so big. He was 6lb10 🙄 it’s completely unreliable and should be taken with a large pinch of salt. Normally if it measures too big/small they’re referring you for scans, but even those aren’t accurate tbh, there’s quite a margin for error!

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