I used one and it saved me from losing the plot and overthinking
I have one used it on my first now on my second not all the time just sometimes if I’m feeling worried but always remember when your further along if something doesn’t feel right always go to triage
@Khloe would you say it is dangerous?
They are not recommended as they can give false reassurance but also false scares!
@Asli I’ve never been Told they are I use it say once or twice a week and I’ve always been fine I’m a big worrier and it helps a lot
@Khloe i feel you.. i‘m so worried constantly too.. thank you for telling me this. It helps a lot❤️🙏🏻💜
I found mine to be reassuring at times, once you can tell your heartbeat, the placenta and their heartbeat apart. Although as we’re not trained it wouldn’t mean everything is alright as there could be problems with heart etc we don’t know about. I just used mine mindfully x
Definitely not dangerous but definitely has false readings unless done by a professional. I used one that said my babies heartbeat was 147bpm and actually I was in the middle of a miscarriage and was in the hospital that night.
I wouldn't use it unless trained to do so. Sometimes false reassurance can be given.