I had to swaddle my girl until she was 6 months, as she needed that feeling of being held to sleep. If she wasn’t swaddled she was exactly the same, would wake up instantly and want to sleep next to me. Personally I enjoy sleeping next to my partner as it helps our relationship feel like a relationship rather than just being house mates, because at the end of the day, when baby is in bed or even when they are older, it’s just you and your partner.. I am currently in the process of getting my girl to nap in her cot, I’ve been sitting her in her cot whilst I do things like put clothes away etc just so she understands that although she’s in there, I’m still coming back etc. I was also told by my HV to settle and get baby sleepy in the room she is meant to sleep in, as babies get scared waking up in a different place than they fell asleep in.
Cosleeping is a natural thing, as long as you're following the safe 7 then you're good to go. It's saved me as a mom I follow happycosleepers on Facebook they have so much helpful supportive advice. This time is so temporary and goes super fast I've learned to embrace it all. One day baby won't need you to sleep anymore and you're going to miss it! My boyfriend sleeps on the couch, I am able to wiggle away from baby and replace myself with a blanket to have some alone time. (Constantly check on her or have monitor set up, she's almost 7 months old). It's also completely natural for babies and kids to wake up throughout the night, it's a part of their sleep cycle and helps reduce SIDS. I hope you find something that works for your family ❤️