@Emma I have GD and they want to induce me at 40+4, are you actually allowed to decline with GD ?
So this is going back nine months I went in for one of the routine growth scans that you are given because of the GD and basically her head was so much on my cervix that they couldn’t give an actual measurement so they guessed and that led to her estimated birthweight being 4lb 10. meaning she dropped two percentiles. And I wasn’t showing a lot of water they thought I had been leaking my waters. This led to them wanting to induce me. In hindsight I wish I’d have turned round after they guessed her weight and said no thank you because I was already 3 cm dilated when they examined me for my waters so I was going into labour naturally. I think in your case because you are technically full term at 40 weeks I would ask for a sweep first and then see what happens because your placenta with the GD can actually start to decline but you need to do the research for you and what’s best for you and your baby if I’m lucky enough to get pregnant again and I end up with GD I will be declining.
I was induced at 37 weeks and had a vaginal delivery
I was on insulin before bed, and wasn’t far off being put on it before meals too, induced at 39 weeks as they didn’t want me going past my due date. Took a week and she came on her due date anyway 😅 I wasn’t recommended or pushed for a c section, but I know if my induction had gone differently I may have needed one.
2 doctors spoke to me about given birth naturally and having C-section. They was scared that they might not have any surgeon on my due date in case of complications so I told them to book me a C-section (38weeks).
I was on insulin had a had a vaginal delivery, I was induced because of baby small estimable weight. Wish I’d declined induction. But my baby is here, happy and healthy.