Feeling weird

Hi all, Im going to try to articulate this as best I can. I'm currently 8 weeks and 4 days and along with nausea and fatigue I feel really run down/like im going down with something and just a bit odd overall. Ive felt like this for a while. I had a loss at 9 weeks last year and before it I felt like I had some kind of infection. This feels a bit different but I'm just concerned it's not normal. Feeling achy sometimes and just generally crap. I'm going to call the doctor but just wondering if anyone else has had anything similar and can give some insight. Thanks!
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Hey babe I think it's just down to the changes happens with body and your hormones that's most likely making you feel like this but it's always good to reach out to the doctor/midwife with any concerns you have to put your mind at rest. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy 😊😊 x

I’m also feeling like this! Quite achy like I’m coming down with something but mine comes and goes. I’m 9.5 weeks and this is my first pregnancy.

I'm nearly at 13 weeks myself, and all of the first trimester I felt like that. Nausau but no vomit, pure tired, achy and just ugh. A lot of the time the fatigue is down the massive hormonal changes going on, and in your first trimester your blood volume goes down as the baby grows. I don't see any reason to worry girl it sounds perfectly normal 😊❤️

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