
Anyone else having a baby that is starting to throw tantrums. He is almost 1(in a few days) and have the tantrums started. Anytime I take away something that he should not be in like a phone cord, it is stiff legged and screaming. The car seat has also become a new problem. Anyone else in this fun stage?
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yes! anytime she doesn’t get her way or we redirect her from something she should be getting into she throws a fit. we just keep redirecting. it’s makes me a tad scared for toddlerhood 🤣

Yes! And it’s not a regular cry it’s ridiculously loud

Yes!!! And she doesn’t understand no yet.

Dealing with this currently

Yes 😬 Everything is a huge fight now. He refuses everything just because he can now.

Ugh yes and so stressful as a single parent i cannot do ANYTHING. I just let her cry and do my best to do waht i normally would do if she werent freaking out. At first i was giving her whateva she wanted too much to avoid the tantrum but that wasnt working bcuz it was just reinforcing her behavior..now she realizes somewhat that just bcuz she throws a tantrum doesnt mean she will get her way, she has calmed down a ljttle bit.

Yes! Getting dressed now is difficult just screams and stiffens up!

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