Baby wanting to stand

Does anyone else’s baby just want to stand? My 7mo can sit and can army crawl but not fully crawling yet. However the only thing he wants to do is stand up! He can pull himself to stand in a very wobbly way holding my fingers or his activity cube. It’s doing my head in because once he’s up I have to support him and he doesn’t want to sit! I was hoping when he learnt to sit I’d finally have my hands back 😂 anyone else’s little one doing this?
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Yeah, constantly. Day in, day out. Lol

@D glad it’s not just me 😂

My 7 month old can crawl pull himself up stand and is learning to walk it’s crazy!! X

Oh yeah mine too!

Exactly this, turned 7 months on Monday. Been army crawling for a month but now wants to just stand. Yesterday was pulling up on my fingers, today pulling himself up on my washing basket and going rigid if I try and sit him down

All the time 😂

Yup! My first was like this too, from 6 months. It's exhausting! I sit her down so I cane get up and do something, and before I have a chance to get up, she's standing up on me again!

Yep! Mine is pulling herself to stand, & is always wanting to walk holding my hands. Not bothered by crawling. My 1st was the same too x

My baby is going the same way.. seems like he doesn’t much interested to crawl but stand!

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