@D glad it’s not just me 😂
My 7 month old can crawl pull himself up stand and is learning to walk it’s crazy!! X
Oh yeah mine too!
Exactly this, turned 7 months on Monday. Been army crawling for a month but now wants to just stand. Yesterday was pulling up on my fingers, today pulling himself up on my washing basket and going rigid if I try and sit him down
All the time 😂
Yup! My first was like this too, from 6 months. It's exhausting! I sit her down so I cane get up and do something, and before I have a chance to get up, she's standing up on me again!
Yep! Mine is pulling herself to stand, & is always wanting to walk holding my hands. Not bothered by crawling. My 1st was the same too x
My baby is going the same way.. seems like he doesn’t much interested to crawl but stand!
Yeah, constantly. Day in, day out. Lol