NAPS. 😴 💤

Hi moms ! Any of your baby’s still taking two naps ? If so are you capping them? My LO is not ready for one nap, she won’t hang. But two doesn’t seem to work anymore either. I’m wondering if she just needs two hours total during the day instead of 3.
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Hi! We are still on 2 naps. But since 3 days her naps and her sleep is all over the place! Not sure if we are already supposed to move to 1 nap? Recently her second nap will sometimes only last for 20 mins or so. I think that‘s just what she needs to make it through the rest of the day. I think the best is to follow their cues and our instinct and let them guide us.

@Corinne I’ve tried 1 nap consistently and it didn’t work for us. And 3hrs of daytime sleep doesn’t seem to work anymore either. I don’t want to wake her, because then she will wake up cranky. But I’m thinking she only needs two hours. I might try two 1hr naps today to see how she does. I think she might be in the awkward stage where two naps don’t work but 1 doesn’t either until wake windows become longer.

My daughter has started dropping one nap on her own. we never had a nap schedule so I would follow her lead. She’ll wake up around 8 and take a 2 hour nap around 1pm and by 7pm she’s ready for bed. If she wakes up earlier, like 6am. She’ll want to take two naps So it’s kind of all over the place

Maybe it‘s also just struggles from major development or transition? I know I don‘t want to wake up my baby either. Let me know how it goes. Hang in there!

@Brenda we don’t have a nap schedule either. I always have followed her lead & let her sleep when she’s tired. Her wake windows just aren’t long enough for one nap just yet. I’ve tried extending them multiple times. Then she will be tired at around 5pm & with two naps she’s going to bed super late ⏰ and not sleeping well at night. Bed time was always at 8pm until she learned to walk but that was 3 months ago and it’s been a shit show ever since lol 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😝

@Corinne I also thought that because it’s been a struggle since she learned to walk. But that was at 11 months and sleep just hasn’t been the same since. Then I thought a regression but for me it’s been going on too long. I def think it’s something to do with her schedule. But I’m not sure what it is. Unless she’s just at the awkward stage when two naps and one nap don’t work right now. If I push for one nap she seems to be tired at the most awkward time frame and waking up at a time where she can’t hang that long till bed time. 🥱

I get that. Thinking about it: My baby needed a later bed time. We are at 9 pm now 🤷🏻‍♀️🙈 not my favorite, but she won‘t sleep earlier or if she does, she wakes up every 30 mins

@Corinne same here. Sometimes it’s even 10pm

Yes it is! Same here! Late sleeper! 🙈

My son is still on 2, but I def have to manage his schedule to make that happen otherwise bedtime would be late. Generally, he wakes between 7-730, I don’t let it go past 730. First nap is usually around 10-1130, but I don’t let it go past noon. Then the next one is over by 430, regardless of when he wants to go down. Sometimes it’s easy right at 3, but sometimes he fights it til 415, and he gets a 15 minute cat nap. Then bedtime is usually 730-8. That’s been working for the past month or so, we tried the one nap transition but he really can’t make the first wake window long enough. He’d start to get super sleepy at like 6, and I wasn’t trying to have him wake up at 5-530 lol

We are up at 7ish, nap at 11am for 45min to an hour, nap at 3pm for 45min to an hour. However, the past few days she’s been fighting her afternoon naps and has been a monster for the remainder of the day. Thankful she did her afternoon nap today. I think it just depends on the amount of sleep they get at night…how satisfied they are during the day food wise and how active or not they are. But she definitely needs two naps still

Oh sorry forgot to include bedtime. Which is 730/8

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