Advice please 🙏😢

Has anyone’s little one been on antibiotics yet? My LB is on antibiotics for tonsillitis, the bottle says 4 times a day, 6 hours apart 2 hour after food and at least 1 hour before I’m finding it impossible to fit in meals bottles and meds!! he will throw up just taking the medication as it tastes so bad so I have to mix it with his milk but does that count as food?? And he will not get up at night for extra meds! I don’t know how to manage this 😢😢 how important is the food rule? And the 6 hour dose rule?
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Tbh my baby been on antibiotics many times I always put in to her milk bottle or try to force it down with the syringe and I never followed this 2 hour after or before food and 6 hours apart I believe 4hours apart is enough as it’s a 4times a day dose. In my opinion as long as they get the antibiotic and the required doses they are gonna be fine . But it’s just my opinion and experience. If you struggling with it just speak to your doctor they can even swap the medication to a nicer taste if available for babies to accept it more. If you baby awake let’s say like 7-8am in morning than give first dose and than give 12-1 than 4-5pm and last one at 8-9

It completely depends on the antibiotic. You’ll probably be fine with amoxicillin but with others - like flucloxacillin, food can interfere with the body absorbing the antibiotic. That’s not to say it won’t work at all but it may not be as effective or work as quickly. We had a course of antibiotics when my lo was very little and had this exact issue. You just have to do what you can. But ideally you want to give it 6hrs apart as the body breaks the antibiotic down after this time so if you are only giving it 4hrly and then having a huge gap it isn’t going to work as effectively.

I feel your pain! My LB had tonsillitis and antibiotics last month and it was a total nightmare trying to fit in the timings! We had exactly the same, ended up giving him a dose in the middle of the night to squeeze them all in it was honestly so hard!! We didn't give it with milk as he's BF so waited the 2 hours after every feed to give it but sometimes if he couldn't cope waiting I'd feed him sooner. It did clear but within the week thankfully. Good luck lovely!! Fingers crossed your LB is feeling better soon 🤞🏻💗

Thanks everyone!! I’ve been trying to keep to it as much as possible but I’m being flexible if he does need food or it needs to be closer together! Its a nightmare but he seems a lot better this morning c

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