@Bethany I’ll try it ! Thank you 🥰
@Nicole you're welcome x
I with I could help but my daughter was easy. She chugged her first bottle.
I just went cold turkey. My little boy fine on it x
My daughter was easy too to switch
@Sarah that’s how I did it with my daughter as well
@Sarah @Rosemary McMurray I would love to just go cold turkey and just do milk but she won’t even drink an oz of it with her lunch so I couldn’t 🤣😭
@Nicole do you warm it up?
@Sarah yeah I’ve tried warm, cold, room temperature. I don’t know if it’s the consistency or the taste but she just spits it out straight away :(
Could do a gradual introduction by mixing with their regular milk. So say lo takes an 8 oz bottle, start with 7oz of their regular milk with 1 oz of cows milk then slowly increase the cows milk and decrease the other milk until it's just cows milk. My MiL suggested to me to mix some cooled boil water with the cows milk, to take the chill off the milk