NHS jobs maternity leave

Hi, I am wondering if anyone from NHS can answer this question. I’ve worked for the NHS 14 years and in my current job 2.5 years. I go on mat leave in June, returning January ‘26. My question is- we HAVE to come back to work for at least 3 months or we would have to pay back mat leave pay. However, does this mean that we have to come back to the current employer or can we go to a different NHS Trust. Is it employer specific or NHS. Basically, I am moving house to be close to my partner’s family but this is a 1.5 hour drive away. I would like to apply to jobs closer to where I will be living but won’t do this unless it is covered with maternity pay from my current place. I’d like to go back to work with the NHS after 6 months but with a different NHS Trust (I’m hoping this makes sense lol). Does anyone know the answer? Thanks 🙏
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As your specific Trust is your employer and they pay you, I'm not sure if you would be able to go to another Trust and it 'count'. I would speak to your trade union for specialised advice!

You can move trusts but I believe there is a form you need to complete and inform your previous employer. There is a time frame you have to do it in. Email your hospital maternity they should be able to let you know 😊

You can move trusts ☺️ I was going to do it, but decided to stay at my current job and everything was fine (HR had checked)

Thank you everyone! East London maternity policy says you can go to a different Trust but my Trust maternity policy (not going to say who) is soooo vague and only says your current employer. I’ve emailed HR. Xx

I moved trusts during maternity leave and no issue at all, my old trust just wanted proof of my new contract so that I didn’t need to pay back my OMP ☺️ x

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