Family drama
My stepmother has been incredibly sensitive of everything I do and decisions I make and I have no idea how to handle it. It feels like she constantly is looking for reasons to think that I don’t like her. Despite involving her in things, visiting her and my dad every weekend with my daughter and showing appreciation for things she does for me. Idk what to do. I told them I wanted a week after the baby was born to adjust to the two kid life once we got home but that they could visit in the hospital before we went home and she still took it as a personal attack. She threw me a shower that I showed appreciation for and helped with and talked to her about but apparently she thinks I was telling my daughter to get off of her whenever she picked her up? (Which was like 2 times the whole day and it was never when she was holding her, just when she was on the couch with food). Idk what to do at this point but my dad seems to think I need to accommodate her feelings but I really don’t want to walk on eggshells around her. Am I the AH in the situation?
You don’t sound like the AH to me. It sounds like she’s insecure. You can’t control how she feels, so try your best to focus on your babies. Her issues are her own. Just try to be kind (which sounds like you are) and that’s all you can do, then focus on you and your growing family