Tips for teaching baby to chew

My 9.5mo has been EBF and BLW using Solid Starts as a guide since ~7mo. Just upped his solids meals from 1 to 2/day, breakfast and dinner. Loves to self-feed soft foods like oatmeal and congee, but hasn’t quite gotten the hang of chewing. For example, he’ll take a bite of a toast strip, but if the bite was too big and gets mushy/sticky from saliva, it’ll get stuck to the roof of his mouth, and we’ll carefully remove it. Another time he swallowed a larger piece of skinned zucchini spear whole 🤦🏻‍♀️ my husband and I will demo taking a bite of the same food and chewing (open mouthed and closed mouth lol), but not sure the concept is landing yet. He has 6 teeth and 2 more erupting all at the front, and he’ll definitely chew teethers or silicon spoons or our fingers if he can get to them :p Thinking it might just take time, and we need to keep practicing and be patient? Welcoming any other tips though! Thanks in advance! Oh and paying baby pic tax—here he is enjoying some beef bone broth congee with garlic and ginger—a new favorite!
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I don’t have a solution but we have the same issue 🤷🏻‍♀️

It sounds like you’d benefit from letting him explore his “oral mapping” skills through chewing on meat bones, celery, fennel, frozen mango pits, etc. our daughter needed to experience how her mouth functions by chewing on such items. There’s several Solid Starts articles on developing their oral mapping. In short, overeating and gagging (not choking) is normal while they learn.

@Emily ooh thank you! I’m reading the Solid Starts article on learning to chew now! (Totally should have Googled this first 🤦🏻‍♀️ idk why the app doesn’t seem to have an article repository!) appreciate the pointer, thank you so much!

@Ryann linking to save you a search! also good luck!!

Thanks!! 😊

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