Fundal measurements aren’t super accurate right?

I’ve been like 2 weeks behind since they started doing fundal measurements-I was 3 weeks behind this time so she’s sending me for a growth scan. The baby at the last check was in the 40% for weight so feel like it’s just my body type??
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I'm 34 weeks and got my measurements today. Baby is measuring 41 weeks and is 8 pounds 4 ounces. I think there is about a 10% margin of error.

Don’t let it scare you. My first baby was measuring “2 weeks ahead” and they thought he’d be 10 pounds, he only ended up being 6 pounds lol. Other friends have been told their babies are tiny and they end up being normal. All those measurements are just guesstimates.

I’ve been told I’m measuring small too! But no other complications. I try to get a little more protein in my diet with snacks/meals and it’s been good bc it gives me more energy anyways, but I don’t stress over it trying to gain weight or anything. I’d say if you’re doing fine eating, I wouldn’t worry unless there’s other issues from blood/urine tests 🤷🏼‍♀️

I had almost the exact same situation—measured 2 wks behind and then 3 wks behind at back to back appts, so my doctor scheduled me for a precautionary ultrasound. My baby is at 48% for size and everything is fine! Everyone’s body is different, and my kiddo has been head down since about 20 weeks, so I guess he’s just nestled in there lol. Definitely try not to worry!

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