I also live in the area. PM me and I’ll pass along anything I no longer need. I’m due in 5 ish weeks so we will outgrow things. I’m having my second girl so let me once you find out what you’re having. There’s buy nothing baby groups on Facebook that always have great finds.
GIRL! I’ll give you everything you need . I had a mountain of gifts at my baby shower and I haven’t used half of them because I basically got 2 of EVERYTHING!
Call 211. I'm going to private message you. I have used tons of resources
And OfferUp!
Churches have programs
I would see if your doctor's office has a casework there so they can help you find those resources. Also talk to your school's health services if you have it to see if they can give you resource. I'm in Seattle so I have resources if you want those just message me