It’s not recommended to diet while bf. Do you incorporate exercise into your days?
So to EBF you will be in a calorie deficit. I was told to up my calories to just shy of 3000 while EBF and still lost weight x
@Maria amazing I will give this a go thank you x
@Lottie I’m doing 10,000 steps a day and trying to exercise as much as I can but haven’t noticed much difference 😔
@Charleigh so were you consuming upto 3000 calories a day??
Hey 🙂. Make sure you are eating enough complex carbohydrates and healthy fats , full fat yoghurt, eggs, avocados etc . I followed the Mediterranean diet and still do where 80% of your meal would be vegetables, pulses, chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, lots of kale and spinach, bean puree etc, with a smaller amount of protein. This way you can have a full plate and be full and it will give your body the energy it needs to support yourself and breastfeeding your baby.