Trying eating dates! I heard those are really good for softening the cervix and helping you dilate. Raspberry leaf tea also. Bouncing on a ball, and (yes I know it’s sounds intimidating) sex can also throw you into labor!
You probably know this already but those are just estimations that are never accurate…
I’m also having a huge baby he was weighing 7.7lbs at my 36 week appt. 😅 I’m 37.5weeks now, Similarly to what others are saying, My midwife told me to drink red raspberry leaves tea, eat dates, use the birth ball (hip circles and things to open the pelvis), she also recommended sex and orgasms, I’ve also been stretching most days. Also my OB spoke to us yesterday about the risks of shoulder dystocia and while it is a risk and does seem scary, she assured us it’s actually statistically rare and there’s a lot they can do to intervene if it happens. As well as most injuries that can happen because of it usually resolve easily. I know I was nervous about this too, but she eased my anxiety a lot. in my case we have a plan to not go over 40 weeks and have settled on an induction date in case he doesn’t come in his own before then. But I’m really hoping to go into spontaneous labour before that so I’m literally doing everything I can! Good luck! and I’m hoping everything goes smoothly!
@Sabrina they were 100% accurate with my first baby. Thank you though
If it helps my aunts first baby was 9lbs and delivered naturally
My son was born at 36 weeks weighing 9lbs 13oz and I didn’t have a C section. I actually had a lovely natural birth. No shoulder dysplasia and a very textbook labour and birth. Just because you may have a bigger baby doesn’t always mean you’ll need a c section x
I’m 36w1d with my first and I was told baby was measuring ahead/bigger I had a fetus scan at 34w6d literally a day before 35wks and baby was weighting 5.13lbs, I’m having another scan Monday and see where he’s measuring… but also I’ve been told during 3rd trimester it’s not so accurate. I’ve also been a little over my head bc I truly desire a natural birth and I want to avoid an induction/c-section 🙏🏼 I hope all goes well for your baby and most importantly a safe healthy baby, regardless how delivery method (that’s what I keep telling myself at least, even if I want a natural birth 100%)
@Shannon thank you so much!!!
Small women have big babies all the time. My partner was almost ten pounds, his mother birthed him with no epidural. She’s like 5’4”. Even if the u/s size is accurate (and measurements can be inconsistent from scan to scan and baby to baby), you can have a positive birth. Being worried about having a big baby is likely just as big a factor in having a hard time during birth than actually having one.
If you have a breast pump, use it. If you had breast feed before, remember the tightening in your uterus after baby was born in the first couple weeks of PP? Uterine contractions are a natural result of breast stimulation in this way.
They said my baby is 6.5 pounds at 35 weeks but that ultrasound predictions aren’t accurate enough to worry about essentially
Hit or miss. If my baby really is that big like yours hopefully they just are done cooking sooner and we will give birth before 40 weeks
Raspberry leaf tea and do some stretching to open the hips