Young parents

When are you considering having baby #2?? I want to start rn! 🥲🥹
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Im 23 i have a 1 yr old and a newborn (my newborn wasn't planned but I'm thankful I did it this way now❤️)

I’m 19 pregnant with baby number 1 but me and my partner have said if we do want another we want no more than a 3 year age gap xx

I’m 21 with one baby and in a year I wanna start trying for another baby

I am 19 with a 14 month old and 9 weeks pregnant with my second. I will be 20 when I give birth

I’m 21 with a 2 year old and I want to try for another one soon. I don’t want a big age gap!

I’m 17 just had my first

hi friend! i’m 21 and have a 2yo (almost 3) and i’m (almost) 32 weeks pregnant with my second. i’m so glad me and my husband started young and are finishing young because after i have this baby we just get to enjoy our kids and growing up with them. we definitely weren’t ready to have another baby though until a little after my son turned 2 but we definitely felt ready for another one and if u feel the same way go for it! u will never regret having children close together and young but u will regret “missing out” if u don’t take the opportunity when ur ready 🤍 good luck!

I’m still pregnant w my first, but as of rn the plan is to wait until she’s potty trained and wiping herself before starting over

i’m 21 and i have a 2 year old and a 3 month old it all just depends on how close you want them and if you can handle it

I am currently 20 with my baby boy who is 1 and I’m about to have my second in march!!🩷

Im only 20 with a amost 2 year old and i would love another baby rn ! But im in a same sex relationship and my misses wants to try ivf if that doesnt work after 2-3 tries then look at other Ways

Im 23 I have a 1 year old and I just gave birth to my second yesterday

I’m 23 All my 3 kids are 2 years apart I think that’s a nice gap I had my oldest at 17 then my middle at 19 then my youngest at 21

I’m 21 and baby girl is 9 months old I want to try for a second one but timing is off need to settle down with our own house and finish my course hopefully by the time baby girl is 2

I’m 20 and just had my babe in November. I got the nexplanon so I can graduate college first. I think we’ll try again in 3/4 years :)

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