I’m 7 months postpartum and i took a pregnancy test because i been having heart burn for the last couple of days and i’ve only had heart burn when i was pregnant. I feel like i see a very very faint line and now idk what to think. my baby been so fussy and my mom keeps saying it’s because that baby boy and i’m like what boy???? and now i’m just speechless… do yall see it too or is my eyes playing tricks on me??
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Definitely a faint line! :D

I see it

I see it. Take another.

Def. Take more!!

Take one at first pee when HCG levels are the strongest

I see a faint line, but try with a red dye test they are more accurate early on

Is ur period back?

Girl. Throw it away lol Just kidding congratulations

Congratudolences ❤️😩

Def pregnant !!!! Congrats 🎉

@Manuela will do yet nervously waiting for the morning

@Amber no i had a period that lasted me 1 month and 3 weeks and ended in october and nothing since

Take a link dye. Those tend to bleed less

Yes and it doesn’t Look that faint

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