Combi feeding

I’ve EBF for the past 6 months, I have expressed at times so my partner could do the odd bottle but I hate expressing - I expressed to allow me a break but it’s the added mental load of pumping, storing, sterilising bottles etc so we haven’t done it much, Does anyone casually combi feed? I was thinking to introduce a bottle of formula but not as a routine, maybe the odd night to give me a break, but not consistently, My baby wakes up a lot at night as well so was wondering if anyone has given a bottle of formula at night and it’s helped their baby to sleep longer? I read this was a myth? Also if I started using a bottle of formula would that impact my supply? For the most part I love breastfeeding, but it would be good to have a ‘back up’ and wondered if anyone has done the same and found it worked okay?? If so what formula do you use in combination with breastfeeding and how much? Thanks!
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I’d hold off and try to get into a routine with pumping if you can. You still need to sterilise formula bottles too. If you feed it at night, you need to wait for the boiling water to cool down so you’ll be up waiting for it. It looks easier than expressing but it isn’t. Formula isn’t good for them too, it’s so processed 😬

@Mee true! I had a friend who said she used these ‘ready to drink’ ones? So you don’t need to put into a bottle. I’ve not done much research yet though, but you’re right it she does breastfeed well and it’s only the odd time maybe I do need to try and express again and stick with that! I might try a better pump mines not hands free so just feels like another chore!

I bf but used to pump roughly every other day for similar reasons. It's so much effort now as I have to sterilise the pump and then pump and store ... its just a bit of a faff for me now so I buy the ready made formula. Just need to sterilise the bottle. So much easier. LB drinks it at room temperature. Stored in the cupboard unless opened already. If it eases your load then consider doing it. Ps it doesn't help with sleep xx

I use kendamil. Prop not fair to say formula isn't good for them @Mee given that not everyone can bf and it's the only alternative. Just be mindful please of your comments as it could hurt others.

Another thing you could do if you don’t want to pump @Liv would be to get donor breast milk. If you can find a local bank, you could freeze that in bulk and wouldn’t have the hassle of pumping. It’s often free too so win win

My little one is also 6 months. I breastfed and pumped until 4.5 months. I then decided to stop pumping due to the mental load. I now breastfeed, then give a bottle of formula before bed and we use Kendamil Organic. Although it has not helped him sleep longer at all and he still is breastfed in the night. I make it using the Nuby Rapid cool so you don’t need to wait for the water to cool as it does it for you if your thinking of formula feeding in the night. I make up 8oz and he usually drinks between 6-8oz x

I’m exactly in the same boat. I’ve ebf for 6 months, barely ever got time to pump so we could feed breastmilk by bottle. I’m so proud of that 6 months! I have to go back to work earlier than the norm, when our lg is 9 months and at her nursery they’ll give formula, so I’m now working on introducing a formula feed a day and reduce by one feed at a time so basically by 9 months my lg will only breastfeed morning and night (that’s the plan anyway!). She’s not taking to it very well at the moment but need to give it a chance. Now she’s weaning I’ve decided to replace the breastmilk feed after her breakfast, so like her second milk feed in a day. That way I can make up the formula and it has time to cool ready for when needed, and if ever the time comes to replace breastmilk through the night those will be the ready made formula bottles I’ve decided so there is no faff in the middle of the night!

@Liv hi - you will still need to pour the ready to drink formula into a bottle to feed baby. So that bottle will still need sterilising - it’s just you won’t need hot water and powder to make the bottle. Formula does not mean more sleep sadly. But is a great alternative / addition to BF and should not be shamed in any way Amounts are usually stated on the side of the box.

Thanks for all your comments and advice, we tried aptamil follow on 2 last night to see if she likes it yesterday which she did, I know that’s not to be used instead of breast milk/formula but good to know I could use that as a one off if I needed to or didn’t have any pumped milk! X

I now exclusively pump. Hard work, I get it ☺️ If ever my supply dipped or I needed to get ahead or have stores (example i needed a hospital procedure) I used the Kendamil ready to feed bottles. I never fully replaced a full bottle, I’d mix it with breast milk. I did consider getting a tin of powder in but realised it only last so long once opened and as I only used it for top ups it would go to waste so though ready to feed is more expensive it wasn’t the way we were using it.

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