@Kendra I’ve suggested therapy but he is not interested
If he isn’t interested then make a statement, look I know your mom passed away and I am here for you and I will be here for you every step of the way because I am your wife and I love you these children love you and they miss their grandma just as much as you do but it’s time to realize that you need to put our needs first because we come first in a relationship you need to put me first because I am your wife and if you can’t decide to put my needs first after I have put my needs into you for so long then I think it’s time to see a therapist or it is time to take a break.
It's OK when your mental, emotional, and/or physical health are affected, and it's OK when it's affecting your children. Grief doesn't have an expiration date. He will be grieving for the rest of his life. He needs to start taking steps to process his grief. I agree with Kendra, sit him down, and explain that therapy is non-negotiable for now. You are having a baby soon, and he needs to decide once and for all if he is going to put you and your current needs first because if not then you need to make arrangements for post birth as you will need support and do not believe he will offer said support. I'd consider therapy for you too to help you process all this too and help as you navigate life when baby is born. All the best!
There is no timeline for grief, but it is okay to give the ultimatum of couples and individual therapy (and shown progress) or the door. Sometimes we need to be there for people from afar to be okay yourself, and you have children to be there for too.
I’d recommend counseling. It sounds like he might have some mental health stuff going on triggered by his moms passing
it sounds like you both need a sit down