Help with rash!!!
Help! Any other mamas on here have experience with this rash? It’s behind my baby’s knees and it’s consistently red and dry but recently after trying to put zinc oxide diaper rash cream on it last night I woke up and it’s all wet and she seems to be irritated by it because she keep grabbing and itching there. Before I was just putting aquaphor on it daily but it never seem to go away and I also was prescribed Triamcolone from our pediatrician for allergy rashes and sometimes that seems to help but it always comes back. I was sure it’s eczema but now that I see it wet like this I am unsure. Any idea or suggestions?
I have a background working in childcare specifically with babies and toddlers and to me this looks like yeast . Usually kiddos get this in folds like under the neck, arms legs pretty much warm tucked away spots. Most times doctors prescribe a medicine called nystatin it’s an antifungal cream .