@Tilly thank you well hopefully doctor can prescribe her something she’s never gotten it she’s 4 years old
My son got it all of a sudden at around 2, I tried everything!! have a research into it as some creams can aggravate it xx
Looks to me like she’s having an allergic reaction? Did she eat anything out of the norm or possibly lay on something washed with a different kind of detergent??
@Yaya.Mommy❣️ she did get a cast on yesterday morning hasn’t eaten nothing out of the normal she eat pancakes and eggs like normal and she did eat some candy yesterday called nerds bunches her brother gave her some but she’s always eaten that not sure why but we are on our way to doctor now
The first thing I thought of was did she share a drink with someone like a soda or something?I see the ring around her mouth….
Looks like eczema or some type of dermatitis. My daughter has contact dermatitis on her hands, arms, legs, and around her mouth. She’s allergic to several things, but one of the main culprits is a preservative ingredient that seems to be in almost everything! She’s also allergic to anything with fragrance. I ended up taking her to the doctor and dermatologist, and she’s been dealing with it for 4-5 years. It got so bad that she was eventually put on Dupixent shots, which worked like magic. If the rash is just on the face, I’d recommend using hydrocortisone for about a week—it should help clear it up. But I also highly recommend seeing a dermatologist to identify exactly what she might be allergic to and asking about an allergy test.
Pictures blurry so can’t be 100% but my son had Perioral dermatitis x