@Ciara even if she’s going down in oz?
Is she not feeding as often as usual?
Is she gaining weight and having her normal wet and dirty nappies? Those are you main signs. Roughly aim for 5-6oz per KG of body weight in 24 hours, however my little one (now 13 months!) always fell slightly short of this but continued to grow on her normal centile line, so they are all different!
@Ciara no the past 2 weeks she hasn’t been finishing her bottles at all use to be 5oz now barely get 3 into her , and she’s on side 2 teet and all
It could be that she was in a growth spurt and now back to normal, 5oz would have been loads for my baby at that age
@CeeCee last health visitor weight she wasn’t concerned that was only last week though! Nappies good xx She’s 12 pound 11 oz last time she was weighed x
All sounds okay! Thats a great weight for her age, what was her birth weight? You would be looking around 30oz per 24 hours but again that is purely just a guide!
@CeeCee she was 8.4 when born. A big baby. Alwyas been a great feeder just the last two weeks. Don’t want her to drop in weight. Currently only taking roughly 22/24 oz a day ..
@CeeCee yeah maybe just see people saying there 12 week old is up 7ox bottles a day and I can’t seem to get past 4
If concerned pick up the phone to the health visitor for proper medical advice
Sorry I haven't a clue but little one is most likely going through a growth spurt and cluster feeding.