Have you tried just sitting her on your lap and you eat something she can have and when she is interested, let her try it
I’m having the same thing with my baby! Just not interested at all atm x
Has she shown the three signs of being ready to wean? Not all babies are ready to wean at 6 months. If you look at the nhs guidelines to confirm it’s something like: Being able to sit in a high chair without flopping and good head support Bring things to their mouth And swollow food. Maybe they aren’t ready. But also worth getting in touch with a health visitor or go to check there’s no underlying reasons why: e.g tongue tie or other issues etc
@Santa yeah I think she just don’t ready yet x
@Anna yeah we have tried that but she is never interested 🫠
@Zoe so stressful isn’t it! Yeah I think she just isn’t ready yet x
@Shantaye yeah she has all the signs. She also has a tongue tie but they don’t do anything about it unfortunately 🙃
Are you breast feeding? I would push for a tongue tie consultation, just say how much it’s affecting things. You need a referral from a lactation specialist or gp at this age. We ended up going private due to a 6 month wait list for tongue tie. It cost £300 but it was worth every penny! If you do decide to go down the private route make sure you find someone on the tongue tie association page. Honestly he wouldn’t of been able to swollen food if we hadn’t had it done x
@Shantaye no she’s formula fed! I have tried but they said because it doesn’t affect her with her bottle it’s not a worry but I will definitely push because of the weaning situation! My little boy has a severe tongue tie that 100% affects his speech and I fought for 3 years to try and get it sorted & they refused every time! Will definitely looking into going private. Thank you so much x
One of my kids started to eat only around 8month mark, he just wasn't interested before 🙂