Massive amount of stretchy/stringy jelly-like cm?

I’m 12 months pp and still nursing, so haven’t had a postpartum cycle yet. I got my cycle back around 15 months after our first son. I’ve been having high/borderline positive lh tests. Today when I wiped I had a massive amount of super stringy jelly-like cm. It basically looked like when I lost my mucus plug with our first row children. It isn’t there every time I go to the bathroom, though. Just an insane amount of it that one time. Has anyone had something similar? I would assume it’s fertile cm, but my lh test is lower today than it was earlier this week. Or even a sign of implantation or early pregnancy? Or just absolutely nothing and I’m over-analyzing..
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If it’s A LOT a lot, then I would think you could POSSIBLY be pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️ That’s just been my personal experience. The only time I’ve ever had excessive amount of cm, I was pregs. Are you able to take a pregnancy test?

@Dani Marie I took a few cheapie dip strips today and they were totally negative.

Well since I’m assuming you don’t know what your dpo would be, then maybe it’s just too early? Idk maybe retest in a few days, but I could be wrong. You could totally not be pregs, I’m just going off personal experience. I hope you get the answer you want, though! 🤞🏼❤️

For me it happens 2-3 days before I ovulate

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