No it’s not. Mine broke and only a little came out. I didn’t even go to the hospital right away. It broke around 1 am I just went to sleep, then went to the hospital around 10am the next morning. I was laboring very slowly. Just track your contractions if you can when your water breaks.
My friend water broke & it was definitely dramatic. Luckily we were on the porch talking and I was able to drive her to the hospital. Most of the time it’s not dramatic but her experience was
No, not really. It doesn’t even happen a lot of the time until you’re well into labor. Mine did break in my sleep, at home after a couple days of my contractions not progressing. And when I sat up fluid poured out of me. 😂 But I *think* it can also be more of a trickle depending on how baby is positioned.
Its like a small gush and then a constant flow, you may even think you peed yourself on accident so the doctor will tell you to smell it if/when you call to verify
Mine broke and it was almost as if im peeing myself , I didn’t even realize it was my water until I notice it didn’t stop after a shower , I didn’t have any pain or contractions it took me the next day to be induced cause I wasn’t dilating
No. When mine broke with my first it was just a small trickle down my legs every time I stood up, honestly thought I peed myself the first time until it kept happening every time I stood up the next few hours. Had to have the rest of it broken once induced at the hospital.
Mine was “dramatic” in the amount that came out, but I was already in the hospital and had been in labor for about 6 hours and I had gotten up to use the bathroom and when I was about to stand up it broke lol I came out of the bathroom and I was like “I think my water just broke…” 🤣 40 min later my son arrived!
I’ve been told it can go either way. I’m a ftm too. My cousin thought she was peeing a little because baby was pushing on her bladder and it turned out to be her water breaking. It was just a little at a time the whole day 😂😂😂 She went into labor that night
I was told not to go to the hospital as soon as your water breaks because they won’t take you unless you’re dilating
No it’s not
I got mine broke in the hospital and I literally heard it break😂sounded like a balloon popping and then a lot of liquid
I think it depends on the person. Some people’s water doesn’t break until you’re at the hospital already in labor. Some people’s breaks a bit and leaks a little. Some people’s just bursts and it’s as if you’ve uncontrollably peed yourself. I’ve heard that the majority of women is scenario one, however I was scenario 3 so I’m a bit biased lol
@Alisia that wasn’t true for me. I called the hospital after mine broke and they told me to come in immediately
it just depends. i had a high leak, so mine came out a little at a time.
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The hospital broke mines and it just feels like your peeing, but too many liquid won’t stop coming out and it’s warm that’s all,didn’t feel strong contractions,but I was in a labor tho and didn’t know I was dilating quickly.
My ftm experience I didn’t know it happened as I was getting contractions I fell asleep in the tub I didn’t realize what was really going on between the contractions and it all just seemed to come to reality when I was getting nauseous and the contractions were intensifying I birthed at a birth house in Miami ❤️
Mine was 😅 my floor is stone so then it was super slippery.
I was induced at the hospital and my contractions were so bad and so painful, i was standing up next to the hospital bed with my hands down on the bed groaning from the pain and gushhhh my water broke. It was only dramatic bc I was in so much pain otherwise it’s just like peeing yourself haha
My water never broke and I was pushing
No I thought I was peeing on myself lmao
Mine never broke both pregnancy with my daughter they always broke it in the hospital right before I gave birth . Sometimes your water doesn’t break sometimes it’s just like your peeing through out the day on yourself lol
i watched a video saying its not as dramatic as movies