I completely understand how you feel. Honestly, I was never the type to be drawn to other kids—sure, they always seemed to like me, but I felt pretty neutral about them. That all changed when I had my son. Now, every time I scroll through Instagram and see a video of a baby getting hurt, abandoned, or neglected, I can’t help but cry. It’s like something inside me has shifted, and I’m so much more emotional when it comes to little ones.My heart aches just thinking about children who are mistreated or mothers who struggle to provide a warm, peaceful home for their babies. Even as I type this, I feel the tears welling up. Becoming a parent really opens up your heart in ways you never expect—it’s a beautiful, yet deeply emotional transformation.
This 😔
I think about this ALL THE TIME, just randomly
I'm with you. I try to find ways to help- donations, make a meal for a neighbor, give away clothes and toys we no longer need... I know it doesn't fix the world but I hope it helps in some small way
It isn't postpartum, it is empathy for the others and now that you are a mother you understand better the innocence and importance of the infants and their wellbeing. We mothers need to change the world and give opportunities to everyone, the innocent souls deserve it. And also, protect the world, their animals and environment to ensure a future for our babies. I'm a teacher, and we try to do it through education also at work. Love to everyone, a big 🫂
Your just a person with a heart 🩵 it happened to me now with my son if I ever see kids with less I pray for them and it makes me feel sad too 💔
Everytime I see article about babies/ kids being abused or killed I can’t help and have to read it. Then instantly regret it ,feeling sick and heartbroken and can’t get it out of my head. Same with animals. But I am trying to fight it, its very depressing. I just don’t understand how are people capable of these evil acts.
When I first gave birth I felt like like this and it’s suck so I stop breast feeding but then someone told me it’s was postpartum but now after 3 years I still feel the same and I’m not even breastfeeding