My baby girl is 3 months and she just started eating 6oz every 2hrs, unless she’s talking one of those long naps for about 4hrs
My boy is will 2 months Sunday as he’s now on 6oz (180ml) he was on 160ml but then had a bit of cluster feed day before yesterday during the day. My boy is also a very big boy in length and is 12lbs probably bigger now. I would go with you’re gut, sometimes it could be trapped air or gas which can make them uncomfortable after a feed as we sometimes have this but we also make sure to burp him half way through the bottle and the end! And he’s usually fine but occasionally after a feed his a bit fussy or discomfort but it’s only for a short period as then he lets out a load of farts 🤣😅
My opinion: if your Dr recommends restricting a babies diet (or any toddler/young kid) then you need a new Dr. Both of my boys ate insane amounts of formula and my Drs were never concerned, like my youngest at 3 months was eating a 3lb tub of formula in about 4.5 days
My son is 2 months old he eats 6oz every 4 hours. His pediatrician was not concerned at his appointment at all.