@Stephie fingers crossed something happens for you soon! I’ve got my hopes up that I think I’ve had my bloody show, but from what I’ve read it doesn’t mean much! X
No I’ve read so many different things it’s just not helpful at this point… Just a waiting game unfortunately. Hopefully it won’t be much longer and we’ll both have our precious babies in our arms! 💕
I had my first sweep last week and had a bit of spotting straight after, little pink blood then turned to brown which just resembled the beginning of my usual period. The cramps I had alongside just made me feel like I was starting my period too. I then had my bloody show the next morning which was a big glob of my mucus plug (brown as mixed with old blood) and spotted a few thick brown bits following it. Between then and my second sweep yesterday I’ve had contractions but they last a few hours then stop. Hoping something happens in the next few days but all I’ve noticed after yesterday’s sweep is increased discharge…