Night terrors?

Does anyone have any experience with night terrors? My little one seems to suddenly have what I think might be night terrors- she wakes up, walks to the door in her room & starts screaming. Usually if she wakes up she shouts for “daddy” & he can instantly calm her down, now she’s inconsolable for at least 15 minutes. Last night, I went in to o & she kept saying “mama” even though I was there & thrashing when I touched her. She was semi responsive, she wanted to have a drink & eventually we managed to get her calm & back to bed. We asked her this morning why she was crying at the door to see if she remembers, but not sure if she does actually remember or is just repeating after us “crying at door”. It was really worrying & some nights has been happening multiple times, we have no idea why. It’s been going on the entire week every night. Could it be night terrors this frequent? Does this warrant an urgent appointment with a gp?
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I’m wondering if we had something similar last night. She’s had a cold but it was on its way out, and woke up uncontrollably crying and upset. Settled her back to sleep on me twice but every time I put her down she freaked out. Then my husband managed it. Then she woke 2.5 hours later exactly the same, so I got ready to sleep with her in our spare room and when my husband handed her over to me and left she got so worked up she made herself sick. Has never happened before and I’m praying it’s a one off 😬 Must be so hard if it’s been every night this week >_< maybe a chat with a HV and escalate to a gp if needed? Hope it passes soon x

We’ve been having the same recently. He’s been waking up some nights screaming crying refusing to open his eyes and he gets himself that worked up he starts projectile vomiting everywhere to the point me and him are covered. He can sometimes cry for up to an hour and a half…

How weird! Exact same thing happened to use the other night and all my NCT friends have said they’ve had terrible nights too. He was just utterly inconsolable and I couldn’t do a thing to calm him down. He’d usually just conk out on me eventually and then I’d put him down and the same cycle would start. Went on till 3am 😴 it only happened that one night but he was very upset going down last night and it took a lot longer to settle him. I wonder if it’s a developmental thing?

Is it like sleep walking where they are semi awake or appear to be awake but actually they might still be in some form of sleep. I've seen my baby in this semi awake state too, it seems a bit weird when it happens but I convince myself he's not actually fully awake or aware etc ..

Yeah my boy has had a few of these now, usually happens when he is very overtired but can't be certain what causes them!xx

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