@Jade thank you! I will definitely send a message nearer the time if that's okay
@Chelsea of course! For the record, I had absolutely no intention of breastfeeding at all but here we are! Hope the rest of the pregnancy runs smoothly for you.
@Jade funny you should say about the pooing because my little one was similar with combination feeding! Not an issue we just kept track of it to make sure it didn't go on for too long. 😊
@Chelsea we breastfed and formula topped up at each feed. It worked for us. Think we might do the same next time but undecided and will see how breastfeeding goes! Feel free to message for more details! 😊
We combination fed from about 10days old (I was ill and couldn’t feed full time) And it’s worked really well, he’s now 13m and still combination feeding (bf at night/early morning and an afternoon and evening bottle) It’s given me more flexibility and meant that my husband can do feed him if I’m out (without the faff of pumping)
Yes! I had to because she lost a lot of weight in first week we were told to use formula “top ups”. I felt awful… turned out some weeks later that she had a tongue tie they had missed at hospital. She had the division and so much better now. Breastfeeding was so painful before. Now it’s not at all. I’m 3.5 months in and very successfully mix feeding. Doesn’t hurt, very convenient to breastfeed through the night but also formula / bottle feed in public . She has about 60% breastmilk and 40% formula I’d say x
Yes! I did with my first and now doing it with my 3 weeks old. I breastfeed at every feed and we top up with formula. It helps ensure she’s a healthy weight and also gives the liberty for her dad to feed her. Plus I’m not too worried about my milk supply which historically hasn’t been too great. At least the breastmilk helps relieve constipation caused by formula feeding.
Thanks everyone!
I combi fed for a while. I expressed so she always had a bottle. Worked really well for us until husband got poorly and couldn’t keep on top of the sterilising. She’s on formula now and is doing really well. Like many people have said others can help with the feeds so you can rest 😊
Hey. I combination feed. To cut a long story short, it allowed my husband to help with the feeds so I could sleep, and my boobs didn't get sore as they got a break. The only issue I've found is that my little one doesn't poop much but it doesn't seem to be bothering him- he's a big boy! Happy to chat further about routines etc.