Growth scan vs birth weight experiences

Hey! I’ve been measuring big my whole pregnancy and had lots of growth scans. Most recently yesterday at 35.4 weeks and baby is currently around 6.11lb. The scan I had 2 weeks ago was 4.13lb so she’s shooting up the graph. I’m starting to panic about how big this baby might be at full term and wondering if anyone has any similar experiences or was due to have a “big baby” and then was birthed smaller than predicted? The sonographer said that baby girl has long legs and I’m wondering if that’s a contributing factor and if I’ll still be ok to birth vaginally.
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I had a scan this week, 36w, and my baby was measured at 6.2lb and they said everything is normal, and within the range. So not exactly sure why yours would be considered big.

I guess it’s to do with the percentiles for each individual as mines one the 97th percentile on my chart which is obviously on the bigger side.

My son was measuring big, they said I'd be having a 10-11lb baby so they booked me in to be induced (he was also lieing horizontal) he was 8lb 6oz when he was born, The measurements aren't really exact, I think there just a rough estimate 🤷

A couple years ago when I had my daughter, I had growth scans as they were expecting her to be 9lbs+ at full term! At 36 weeks they measured her 6lbs+ so encouraged me to have a sweep to try and move things along and avoid induction. I had a sweep at 39+2 and she was born the next day, 7lbs 11. A perfect healthy weight😂 I would take it with a pinch of salt and do what you are comfortable with!

I was having growth scans from about 30 weeks due to baby measuring big, his final measurement at 39w 3d was 9lbs 9oz and he came at 40w weighing 8lbs 12oz so probably about 1lb less than predicted in the end and he has super long legs, the measurements usually can be 20% either way I think. I gave birth vaginally with only gas and air and no intervention so you should be able to deliver vaginally there’s just always a slightly higher risk of interventions with a bigger baby but you can always say no xx

Was told at growth scans he was going to be 10lbs at 40 weeks had the little guy at 41weeks 7lb 14oz he also was a really long baby so I am not sure if that throws the weight measurements off 😄

My baby was measuring 50th centile up until around 36 weeks when she shot up to 99th centile on the growth scans. I ended up having a c section after a failed induction and she was born 10lb 14, 99th centile 😂

I had growth scans with my first pregnancy, he actually came out bigger than they predicted bang on 40 weeks🙈 I’m also having growth scans with my current pregnancy, I’m 30+4 today and had a growth scan yesterday and he was apparently measuring 4lbs4oz and they said he will probs weigh around the same as my first x

I think it can go either way! But it's your own personal choice to make. All throughout pregnancy was told we would have a big baby. I was over the 100% percentile measurement a few times a couple of times after scans, so they wouldn't even bother. 😅 i heard everyone say that most of the time they're wrong so took the chance. At 39+1 was told she is 8 lbs 6oz. Born at 40 exactly as 9lbs 5oz. She definitely didn't put that much on in 6 days! 🤣

My current 36 week scan said 6lb 13oz My first son on his 36 week scan was showing 7lb 9oz and was born 9lb 2oz (91st percentile)

Baby was predicted to be 10lb plus at 40 weeks but born at 39+4 at barely 7lb I also had gd which can cause large babies!

Our little boy was predicted 10lb through growth scans and was born at 40+5 7lb 14oz 😊

My growth line and scans went off the chart and I was told I must just have big babies as my first was 9lb12oz. At the last growth scan my boy was predicted to be 11lbs if I went over 40 weeks so I booked an induction. He was born at 39 weeks and he was exactly 11lbs but I still gave birth vaginally.

I was told bub is in the 10th percentile, and that she might not even be 3000g when she's born based off scans done at week 36 & 38. Bub came out at 41+1, at 3400g, 55th percentile... 🙄🤔

My baby was apparently 6lb 11oz at 35+4 too! They said she’d be around 9lb at 40 weeks. I had her at 36+4 and she weighed exactly 6lb 11oz so unless she didn’t gain any weight in that week the scan was definitely slightly off

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At my last scan they told me my baby was measuring at 39 weeks and I was only 32 weeks along. I was terrified as they mentioned they put on most their weight in the last 5 weeks, I think the number is approximately 1lb a week so she had a lot of growing to do. I ended up getting preeclampsia and having her at 34 weeks and omg, she was tiny.. definitely not a 39 week sized baby, but she was the same, her legs are insaaanely long with very large feet haha. So in this scenario it was just pretty off. If she does end up being a big baby, people all over the world have birthed 10lb++ babies (in probably less equiped countries or hospitals than you as well) then I’m sure you can do the exact same and come out of it amazing and healthy as well 😊

My son was like this. They told me he was in the 81 percentile, however he was 7lbs 11 oz and 21 inches when he was born (full term 40 weeks)

Thanks everyone! This has really put my mind at ease. Being a first time mum the thought of a potential big baby is terrifying but it seems like a lot of the time the measurements are off and even if the baby is on the bigger side it’s still not a bad thing 🫶🏼 xx

My first was measuring on the 50th centile the whole time and then arrived at 34wks weighing 6lbs so my measurements were completely off! To be honest 6.11lbs at almost 36 weeks doesn't sound too big at all to me! Xx

My girl was estimated at 8lb 13 at 39+6, she was born a week later at 9lb 9oz! I had her vaginally too and honestly it was fine, felt no worse than my son, who was 8lb 9oz 10 years prior!

Its complete rubbish in my experience, I was told my baby was going to be macrosomic, so really large. They scared me into having an early induction because of it, said baby was at risk of shoulder dystocia or stillbirth, the induction went very badly and I ended up having an emergency c section and almost died. My son was predicted to be 11lb, he came out 7lb. Do NOT take any notice of it. Their calculations are based on all sorts of things, your ethnicity, your BMI, not just the baby's measurements. Turns out my son has quite long legs and that's all it was. They get it wrong all the time.

I had controlled GD, they predicted 8-9lbs. My last scan at 34 weeks said to be almost 7 lbs. midwives and doctors felt with hands and said the baby felt atleast 9lbs. Had him at 37 weeks mid you on 37 week they said he felt 9lbs. He was born 6.14oz in perfect size. My first baby they measured almost 8lbs she came out 7.5.

Both of mine were off quite significantly (first baby smaller than predicted, second baby bigger than predicted)

My baby was predicted over the 90th centile and was born on 66th centile. I’m a midwife sonographer myself so know scans can have a 15-20% margin of error. Evidence shows scans are a lot better at predicting smaller babies than larger babies - so take the estimated weight with a pinch of salt for sure.

Baby was predicted to be average 50th centile throughout my pregnancy. Born with weight on 0.4th centile, head 9th and length 50th. They base predictions on thigh length so that part made sense! By the time he was 3 months old his length had come down and was in proportion to his weight. So predicted 7lbs 5oz and born full term at 5lbs 6oz

I was told throughout my pregnancy that I was having a big baby which resulted in me opting for a c-section. I had my baby at 38+6 weeks and she was 9’2 lol

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