Honestly don't go into it with expectations in your mind and having a one track mindset, labour is a roller coaster tbh, im due my second and it will be a c section due to how my first borns labour and then emergency c section, I went into my first labour with the mind set of no epidural, no this and no that and it made making decisions during the whole labour and then c section process so much harder as it was so against what I had originally wanted, i think it's good to have the thought process of id like this to happen and for it to maybe go like this but don't have that stuck in your head as there's no right or wrong way to labour and give birth, go woth what feels right and don't be worried about things happening as baby's love to keep you on your toes haha x
I’d decide if you want an epidural or not while you’re in labour. I always said I never wanted one because I’m terrified of needles then I begged for one while in labour, although it wasn’t successful so I did just end up with gas and air and diamorphine and honestly kind of glad because he was out in 13 seconds and they said if I had an epidural it would’ve taken longer to push! But honestly everything is personal preference this time around I’m not ruling anything out but I’m definitely getting diamorphine again because it actually really helped me😂
I had the most amazing birth. Laboured at home using breathing techniques for 5 hours, went to midwife led unit, had gas and air whilst they filled up the birth pool, got in the pool, 30 minutes later baby was here!!! I was laughing singing and joking in between contractions, crying happy tears listening to my fav music on the way to the unit. It was magical honestly 😄
In the flip side, I was very worried about a natural birth and the uncertainty and so I opted for an elective section and it was brilliant. I knew when it would happen, they had my playlist on, they filmed it all and it was calm. So a section isn’t always a bad choice. I agree with what others have said, no go into labour with too many expectations as it can change and you want to be as open minded as you can be.
I agree with everyone else don’t be set on anything as you don’t know what will happen/how you’ll handle it, I honestly did no research and just went with what I felt I needed at each point. But that diamorphine injection is incredible, I fell asleep for two hours while in active labour because it took most of the pain away, the nap was definitely needed😂
I'd say go in with an open mind and if you feel like you need an epidural as it's too much, then ask for one. I had gas and air and Pethadine. The pethadine made me so drowsy so avoiding that this time and aiming for just gas and air. Thinking ahead you think about how on earth you'll manage the pain but it's surprising how you do.
I had just gas & air and pethidine with my son and honestly my labour wasn’t too bad but I was completely out of it!
Like everyone else has said, I would full expect your birth plan to go out of the window. You just don’t know until you know, but getting really attached to one method of exiting baby will inevitably leave you feeling a little disappointed so go in with a fully open mind! At the end of the day you want your baby there safe and sound, all births are births no matter the route ♥️ I would leave the word “no” at the door and stay positive! (Will add that given the choice of pethidine or epidural I’d personally go epidural in a heartbeat next time, felt high AF on pethidine and not in a useful way).
I'd do your own research on it, highly recommend the positive birthing company for information! But also be really open for on the day as you can have expectations but really what'll be will be! I had my 1st with just gas and air but honestly by the time I was asking for more pain relief it was too late so just had to go for it! With my 2nd my labour was really long and he was back to back, I knew when I was at my limit and requested to have an epidural! The epidural was lush but definitely slowed things down further for me and ended up needing a full spinal and an assisted delivery but I still felt it was a positive experience as I felt like I was able to make my own informed choices throughout! This time I'm going to go for gas and air again and hopefully in the pool, I've laboured in the pool both times so far but yet to deliver in it so maybe 3rd time lucky 🤞😅 but will just see how I'm getting on! X
So I wanted a c section (deep down) but opted as it was my first I would go unmedicated and natural. I think if I was able to get up off the bed and sit up I’d handled the contractions better! But I had to be monitored from the get go as baby’s heartbeat kept getting lost. In the end I was begging for an epidural and it was heaven once it was administered. In the end my natural birth turned into an emergency c section as baby was stuck in my pelvis. After having my c section I was told I wouldn’t be able to birth naturally due to my hips. So now I’m due my second and having to have an elective and will have to continue having electives if I wish to have more children in the future x
Hi lovely, I had a natural birth with my first gas and air and diamorphine and I had such a good labour! Don’t get me wrong it’s painful but the experience of giving birth was amazing. Hoping to do the same with my 2nd in March❤️