I typically don't get him unless he starts full on crying. It's possible he's not eating enough during the day but I don't know how to change that. I feed him as much as he'll take at every feed, until he refuses to keep eating. I don't know how to force him to eat more than he's willing? He's fully bottle fed so it's not a milk transfer issue.
@Stephanie we feed every 3 hours during the day no matter what. And then right before bed he gets another bottle. Sometimes he doesn’t finish every bottle, but with the top up before bed that seems to do the trick. Do you have a nighttime routine? We bath, dress, bottle every single night at the same time. As soon as we started that, our nights were way more predictable. What about wake windows? Is baby napping to close to bed? My lo has short naps too, but I just adjust his wake windows. Some days that means he’s napping 3 naps, other days he naps 5-6 naps if they are really short!
When my lo prefers angled sleeping it’s because he has gas and tummy hurts. Also, we’ve moved to giving him a bottle before bed because we know he’s getting the right amount of milk instead of just falling asleep at my boob after getting an unknown amount of milk. Once we started giving him a bottle before bed and Mylicon for gas as well, he then slept pretty well through the night
Mine is usually up every 2.5-3.5 hours and eats every time. I’ve read it’s normal. While exhausting, I just try to think of this as a phase.
Have you been watching me? This is my EXACT situation. Except my little one has to eat every time. Trying to just hold her neverrr works. She used to sleep a bit longer but the past several nights she wakes up sooo much. Send help
@Megan my guy eats every time too, I forgot to mention that. Sometimes he eats a lot, sometimes just half an ounce. But he always needs to eat and then be held. Also same, he used to sleep longer! This started when he hit two months. I'm burning out
@Stephanie my dude drinks like four ounces when he wakes up, so I know he’s waking for hunger. He eats about 32-34 ounces (plus nursing!) a day. I think he’s just a hungry boy.
@Laina when she eats is it a large amount? Or just like eating for comfort. I think my guy just wants to have the bottle to help him fall asleep. Ugh. In addition to being SO tired, I worry that I'm doing something wrong. He's clearly tired and wants to sleep but struggles. I feel so bad for him, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong 😭
@Kaitlyn how much are you giving him in a bottle at bedtime? I’m nursing all day but doing a bottle for bedtime because I feel like she sleeps a bit better after instead of falling asleep nursing like you said. I’ve been giving her a 4 oz bottle but not sure if I should try 5! I typically pump in the morning and then give her whatever amount I’ve pumped for bed and it’s never more than 4 🫠
My baby did this last night, but he's also getting over being sick for the first time.
@S we give him about a 6oz bottle. But sometimes he cries for more and he ends up with 7 ounces! But it’s usually around 6 and he’s happy. It kind of just depends on how long it’s been since he last fed. I try to pump in the morning and before bed and usually end up with about 6 ounces but sometimes 5 ish. But sometimes I end up with more! So it all seems to balance out. And if he’s still hungry I top him off with breastfeeding after the bottle but that doesn’t happen often. I try to wait as long as I can before my bedtime pump, that way I end up with more. So he’s always fed bottles from a previous day.
@Kaitlyn ok awesome! My older two never took bottles so I’m always curious how much other babies are having! I might have to pick up that same morning and night pump schedule to get her a little more! Thank you!!
I have found when my lo (nearly 4 months old) starts waking up that frequently at night it typically means for him that he didn’t get enough to eat during the day. Once we adjust day feedings he is back to full night sleeps. As for soothing, it isn’t abnormal for babies to need help soothing. Do you run to get baby as soon as they fuss? We find when he starts fussing at night / naps he’s not actually awake, so we leave him to fuss for a few minutes and 99% of the time he goes straight back to sleep. This is also a good opportunity for baby to learn to self soothing. self soothing to my baby is usually rubbing his hand over his face.